Job Type: Full-time
Start Date: June
End Date: Ongoing
Description: A family with 2 children aged two and a half and fifteen months. The family is looking for a native English speaker or for an Italian speaker. The nanny will be in sole charge from September since the mother will be working. We are looking for an experienced person, able to work with children with a close age. The 2 and half years old boy with be in school until 4pm, but the nanny is required to work with the 2 children together in case he is sick. The Nanny has to follow the family in their holiday residences. This summer in June, July and August. Next summer only June and July (2023) August will be free.
Working hours: Monday to Friday: 3 days from 9.30 to 19.30, 2 days from 8.30 to 17.30.
Accommodation: not provided
Salary: Depends on experience and credentials